The new Queensland Small Business Strategy 2024-27 has highlighted the value of Social Enterprise in growing diversity in the small business sector.

QSEC CEO, Adele Laughton, was in Cairns at the Strategy launch made by the Minister for Small Business, Employment and Training, the honourable Lance McCallum MP, and Queensland Small Business Commissioner, Dominique Lamb.

Social enterprise was highlighted under Focus Area 4: Growing Diversity in the Small Business Sector. Specifically, in action point twenty, relating to addressing the delivery of social enterprise grants and support sector partnerships. “Provide grants and support the Queensland Social Enterprise Council for the strong growth and development of the social enterprise sector to deliver economic, social and sustainability benefits to Queensland communities,” the report says.

Over three years, the strategy will deliver 20 actions across four focus areas to help small business grow and thrive. Actions within the focus areas address common themes and issues raised by small business stakeholders during extensive consultation.

The $250M strategy aims to build a strong and diverse small business sector, with a dedicated focus on:

  • lowering operating costs for small business
  • boosting opportunities for small business
  • building business resilience, capability and workforce
  • growing diversity.

QSEC congratulates the Queensland Department of Employment, Small Business and Training.