QSEC CEO, Adele Laughton, along with state, territory and national social enterprise peaks met with government and sector leaders in Canberra to advance the role and untapped potential of social enterprise as a tool for innovation.

Across several meetings the Federal Government was urged to consolidate its current social enterprise initiatives.

Industries now recognise the pivotal role social enterprises play in job creation, fostering care for both people and the planet, and bridging gaps in products and services.

The Government was invited to develop a Commonwealth Social Enterprise Strategy, through a partnership between sector, government, and others. The Strategy would be underpinned by verification and evidence and would include social procurement, impact investment, outcome payments, and capability-building.

There are approximately 12,000 social enterprises in Australia that contribute $21.3 billion to the economy and employ 206,000 people.

It is an exciting time for a sector which is seeing significant growth and a co-designed strategy in partnership with the sector, can only support the continual evolution of initiatives and outcomes for these businesses and the communities they support.