Maria Vasas Foundation grants

Offered by: Vincent Fairfax Family Foundation

Amount: $50,000

Applications close: 17 March 2025

Backing the Future is an exciting grant initiative that provides funding for individuals to test new ideas aimed at improving the lives of young people across remote, rural, and regional NSW and QLD. We recognise that there are passionate people in these communities dedicated to supporting young people and offering them meaningful opportunities.

Backing the Future offers grants of $50,000 to individuals for new ideas that support young people aged 12-30 to:
Access Decent Work; Care for the Environment; Contribute to Society; or Explore Christian Faith and Values.

Through these grants, this program aims to:
● Make remote, rural and regional NSW and QLD better places for young people to grow up;
● Provide innovative opportunities that enhance young people’s independence, social purpose, and future security; and
● Back the ideas and enthusiasm of community members who are passionate about supporting young people.

To be eligible, a project must:
● Benefit young people aged 12-30 in remote, rural, or regional NSW or QLD;
● Address one of the four VFFF focus areas (Decent Work, Caring for the Environment, Contributing to Society, or Exploring Christian Faith and Values); and
● Be a new idea or project.